Gender-Based Asylum Petition | Rocket Immigration Petitions 66.00 лв
Asylum based on Sexual Preference is a social group and is the largest grounds for Asylum Applications. Courts have found sexual orientation to be a recognizable social group.
Cancellation of Removal for Lawful Permanent Residents 63.00 лв
A Legal Permanent Resident may have his removal cancelled before a hearing before an Immigration Judge. In order for this to happen, the Legal Permanent Resident has had this status for 5 years, he has had at least 7 years continuous residence in the United States after having been lawfully admitted in any status, and has not been convicted of an aggravated felony. Also has the Form EOIR-42A attached. Do you already have your Green Card, but committed a crime and now U.S. Immigration is trying to deport you? This is possible, but you may qualify for a form of relief which for all intense purposes is your ‘get out of jail’ free card. A Lawful Permanent Resident or somebody with a Green Card may have his removal cancelled before a hearing before an Immigration Judge. In order for this to happen, the Legal Permanent Resident has had this status for 5 years, he has had at least 7 years continuous residence in the United States after having been lawfully admitted in any status, and has not been convicted of an aggravated felony. Also has the Form EOIR-42A attached. Many times, people who are not in Removal Proceedings or Deportation Proceedings believe that they can do cancellation of removal applications. In fact, many foreign nationals not in immigration court think that all they must do is remain in the U.S. for 10 years and voila that they qualify. Unfortunately, it is not that easy, nor is it correct. The Cancellation of Removal for Lawful Permanent Residents is quite a bit easier to get approved than the other Cancellation of Removal for those people who don’t have their Green Cards. It is not easy, but much easier. For this Cancellation of Removal, you need to have been physically present in the United States for 7 years and have had residency for 5 years and to have not been convicted of an aggravated felon. Thus, you do not need to show good moral character and you do not need to show extreme hardship to a U.S. relative such as a child, spouse or parent. Even if you have an aggravated felon, you may be able to go back to criminal court to argue why the sentence should be reduced or the guilty plea vacated. Cancellation of Removal or ‘Cancellation of Deportation’ for people who have Green Cards, is basically a get out of jail free card. Once you prepare the application, argue the merits hearing in front of the Immigration Judge and await a decision, you will get your Green Card back and get removal proceedings ended if you win. The sample Cancellation of Removal packet for Lawful Permanent Residents you see will give lots of great information and a significant amount of information and data that will comply with the requirements. Thus, if you cannot hire an immigration lawyer to prepare the necessary Cancellation of Removal Packet, this is the next best thing. Follow it carefully and closely and you will have a real chance of realizing your dream to stay inside the United States. Note that the Immigration judge nor the trial attorney from the department of homeland security are your friend, and you must properly either get legal representation via an attorney or represent yourself. Either way, if you qualify for this, you must make it as strong as possible. We certainly hope you find this petition useful and helpful and hope for the best immigration experience you can have. We do have petitions on every subject area of immigration, and you might look at those if needed as well. If you do need to actually have a consultation, you can call our U.S. Immigration Law office at 562-495-0554 for an initial free consultation to determine what must be done to help you and your family.
Motion to Reopen In Absentia Order of Removal (No Notice) 63.00 лв
Do you have a deportation order because you did not attend the hearing? Did you only find this out years after it happened? Did you never get notice when the hearing was scheduled? It is possible to file a Motion to Reopen the In Absentia hearing to get it reopened so that if granted, you will no longer have a deportation order and will be able to go back to Immigration Court in order to fight your case and apply for the relief that qualify for under U.S. Immigration Law. This will take place where the absentia order of removal or deportation was entered. A motion to reopen based on lack of proper notice can be filed at any time. Even after a person has left the United States. A motion to reopen requesting that an in absentia order be rescinded asks the Immigration Judge to consider the reasons why the you did not appear. If you actually have such an order, you should note that in removal proceedings, an in absentia order may be rescinded only upon the granting of a motion to reopen. The Board of Immigration Appeals does not have jurisdiction to consider direct appeals of in absentia orders in removal proceedings. This motion to reopen to rescind an in absentia order must demonstrate that the failure to appear was because of exceptional circumstances; the failure to appear was because the alien did not receive proper notice; or the failure to appear was because the alien was in federal or state custody and the failure to appear was through no fault of the alien. The Immigration and Nationality Act (INA) permits an immigration judge to order a person removed in absentia if the government establishes by clear, unequivocal and convincing evidence that proper written notice was provided and that the person is removable. There are two main situations where individuals who were ordered removed or deported in absentia can reopen their cases: (1) they did not receive notice of the hearing, and (2) they did not appear at their hearing because of exceptional circumstances. This sample Motion to Reopen shows you how to meet all these requirements.  This particular sample is an actual Petition for this particular preference where it is filed inside the U.S. with all of the various examples and supporting evidence. It assumes that the basic requirements are met such as the beneficiary being the single son or daughter of a Lawful Permanent Resident parent. This family petition is under what is known as the 2nd preference. Note that our library also has all the other types of preference petitions for your perusal. Note that our library includes not only this family petition and other family preference petitions, but nonimmigrant visa petitions such as the L-1A Intracompany Transferee Petition and other types of applications and petitions such as the Humanitarian Reinstatement application, multiple types of work-permits such as the H-1B Specialty Occupation Visa Petition, the O-1 Extraordinary Alien Petition, PERM examples, I-140 Applications and many more. If you enjoy this family 2nd preference petition and it makes your life easier, then come back and try the other immigration applications and petitions. Remember with this petition you have to file it at the Immigration Court that made the decision ordering you deported. Normally when it is filed, it will take a few months to get the decision. If granted, you will be given a hearing date and then you can submit applications for what you would have applied for in the first place such as asylum or adjustment of status or whatever relief is available. We certainly hope you find this petition useful and helpful and hope for the best immigration experience you can have. We do have petitions on every subject area of immigration, and you might look at those if needed as well. If you do need to actually have a consultation, you can call our U.S. Immigration Law office at 562-495-0554 for an initial free consultation to determine what must be done to help you and your family.
EB-1(c) Multinational Manager Petition 81.00 лв
Do you currently have your own business in your home country? Do you want to open a business in the United States? Have you already received the L-1 Nonimmigrant Visa? Do you want to want to apply for the Green Card through an employment-based visa petition? This type of petition might be the best employment way to obtain the Green Card. You do not need to have an investment of more than $1,000,000 or a million dollars. It is not granted conditionally for 2 years like the EB-5. It is not backlogged for years but is current. Yes, the EB-1( c ) might be the best way for you to get residency for you, your spouse and your children.   In order to initially even be considered for this type of visa, you will need to make sure that there is a company which you are a manager or executive in your home country (or a country outside of the U.S.)  and then a branch office in the U.S. where you are a manager or executive. That would be the initial basis for you  to apply for this type of investment visa. Note that the actual investment for this type of visa is much smaller than the EB-5 Investor Visa. Additionally, there is no necessity for a treaty with the foreign country such as with an E-2 Investment Visa or E-1 Treaty-Trader Visa.   While it would be better and more effective to use an experienced attorney, it is clear that many times people just do not have the funds to retain an attorney. Therefore, note that this EB-1(c) Multinational Manager Petition is made by an experienced immigration lawyer with nearly 30 years of experience. It is real and it was actually submitted. You can put your own facts and information in this petition,  and note that it will be a very good sample for you to proceed with the EB-1 (c ).   This is the entrepreneurial way to obtain the Green Card without needing tons of money and without waiting years. It is possible to apply for the EB-1 ( c ) even through you do not have the L-1. However, it will be more difficult. One reason to do this if your children will age out and you need to hurry, it might be an option. If approved, it will be a permanent Green Card, not the 2 year conditional Green Card. The sample EB-1(c) Multinational Manager Petition will give lots of great information and a significant amount of information and data that will comply with the requirements. Thus, if you cannot hire an immigration lawyer to prepare the necessary EB-1(c) Multinational Manager Petition, then this is the next best thing. Follow it carefully and closely and you will have a real chance of realizing your dream to stay inside the United States. Note that the adjudicating officer at USCIS is not your friend or the Consulate Officer at the U.S. Consulate deciding whether you should get this particular visa or status. Thus, you need to completely and properly document and prepare your EB-1(c) Multinational Manager  Petition. You must properly either get legal representation via an attorney or represent yourself. Either way, if you qualify for this, you must make it as strong as possible.   We certainly hope you find this petition useful and helpful and hope for the best immigration experience you can have. We do have petitions on every subject area of immigration, and you might look at those if needed as well. If you do need to actually have a consultation, you can call our U.S. Immigration Law office at 562-495-0554 for an initial free consultation to determine what must be done to help you and your family. 
Preparing Motion to Reopen Removal proceedings to Apply for 212(c) 63.00 лв
Motion to Reopen Removal Proceedings to Apply for 212(c) pertains to certain aliens who were lawful permanent residents, who are subject to a final order of deportation or removal, who are eligible to apply for relief under section 212(c). These proceedings shall be reopened SOLELY for the purpose of adjudicating the application for section 212(c) relief. Do you qualify for 212(c) relief? At this time, it may be possible for you to file a Motion to Reopen Removal Proceedings to Apply for 212(c) pertains to certain aliens who were lawful permanent residents, who are subject to a final order of deportation or removal, who are eligible to apply for relief under section 212(c). These proceedings shall be reopened SOLELY for the purpose of adjudicating the application for section 212(c) relief. A section 212c waiver allows certain long time green card holders who have been placed in removal proceedings because they were convicted of a criminal offense to avoid being deported.Congress repealed former section 212(c) of the Immigration and Naturalization Act effective April 1, 1997. However, the United States Supreme Court decided in 2001 that the repeal does not apply to lawful permanent residents who pleaded guilty to a crime before April 1, 1997 INS v. St. Cyr, 533 U.S. 289. On December 12, 2011, the U.S. Supreme Court issued an important decision further protecting the rights of immigrants under the St. Cyr decision.In Judulang v. Holder, the Supreme Court unanimously held that the government’s policy for deciding when lawful permanent resident immigrants may apply for 212(c) relief from deportation for pre-1996 guilty plea convictions deeming such immigrants ineligible for relief if the deportation ground at issue does not have a sufficiently comparable inadmissibility ground was arbitrary and capricious in violation of the Administrative Procedure Act.The Court remanded the case for the government to adopt a new approach that does not arbitrarily deny long-term permanent resident immigrants such as Mr. Judulang from being able to apply for relief from deportation. In 2012, the U.S. Supreme Court issued another important decision protecting the rights of immigrants with long ago criminal convictions to travel abroad without risking detention and removal upon their return. In all of these immigration situations, it is possible under the right circumstances to make a motion to reopen proceeding to apply for 212(c) relief. This sample gives a great place to start. While it would be better and more effective to use an experienced attorney, it is clear that many times people just do not have the funds to retain an attorney. Therefore, note that this Motion to reopen deportation proceedings which is based on you qualifying for 212(c) relief is made by an experienced immigration lawyer with nearly 30 years of experience. It is real and it was actually submitted. The sample Motion to Reopen to apply for 212(c) relief is based on several factors and  will give lots of great information and a significant amount of information and data that will comply with the requirements. Thus, if you cannot hire an immigration lawyer to prepare the motion, then this is the next best thing. Follow it carefully and closely and you will have a real chance of realizing your dream to stay inside the United States. Note that the adjudicating officer at USCIS is not your friend or the Consulate Officer at the U.S. Consulate deciding whether you should get this particular visa or status. We certainly hope you find this petition useful and helpful and hope for the best immigration experience you can have. We do have petitions on every subject area of immigration, and you might look at those if needed as well. If you do need to actually have a consultation, you can call our U.S. Immigration Law office at 562-495-0554 for an initial free consultation to determine what must be done to help you and your family.
Motion to Terminate Based on Vacated Conviction 63.00 лв
An order of removal. If a criminal conviction is vacated or reduced, it allows that person to go back to immigration court and try to either get the deportation order reversed or to become eligible for relief that did not exist prior to the crime being vacated. Do you have a deportation order? Are you barred from coming back to the U.S. for either 20 years or even life? If you look in our library, you will see sample motions to vacate convictions. If that is successful, you can get your deportation order reversed. If you are in removal or deportation proceedings right now and were successful in getting the crime vacated, then you can ask for the proceedings to be terminated. This means it could be ended or reversed so you are no longer deportable. It is actually one of the best ways to regain your legal status. The crime itself may have been a result of fear or by the prosecutor telling you untrue facts as to what would happen if you do not plea guilty. This means you plead to something you did not understand and did not know how it would affect your immigration status. It is the combination of this criminal relief being successful and the prior deportation order or a current order under immigration law that allows the motion to reopen or terminate to be successful. There are other reasons also to make a motion to terminate such as a visa number becoming current or an adjustment of status situation where you become eligible or a change in State or Federal law regarding various charges dropped. The key here is whether you are an aggravated felon under United States Immigration Laws. If you are, then you are barred for the rest of your life from coming back to the U.S. Many times our law firm gets clients both inside the U.S.  or outside the U.S. It arises in different scenerios: 1) A person already had a deportation and has been deported; 2) An immigrant in deportation proceedings and needing to fight; 3) A person who is in prison serving out their time and close to being transferred to Immigration detention; 4) Somebody who is considering taking a plea in criminal court and people who have crimes in their home country wanting to enter the U.S. In all of these immigration situations, it is possible under the right circumstances  to make a motion to terminate proceedings if the crime is vacated. This sample gives a great place to start. While it would be better and more effective to use an experienced attorney, it is clear that many times people just do not have the funds to retain an attorney. Therefore, note that this Motion to terminate removal / deportation proceedings based on a vacated conviction  is made by an experienced immigration lawyer with nearly 30 years of experience. It is real and it was actually submitted. The sample Motion to terminate removal / deportation proceedings based on a vacated conviction  will give lots of great information and a significant amount of information and data that will comply with the requirements. Thus, if you cannot hire an immigration lawyer to prepare the motion, then this is the next best thing. Follow it carefully and closely and you will have a real chance of realizing your dream to stay inside the United States. Note that the adjudicating officer at USCIS is not your friend or the Consulate Officer at the U.S. Consulate deciding whether you should get this particular visa or status. We certainly hope you find this petition useful and helpful and hope for the best immigration experience you can have. We do have petitions on every subject area of immigration, and you might look at those if needed as well. If you do need to actually have a consultation, you can call our U.S. Immigration Law office at 562-495-0554 for an initial free consultation to determine what must be done to help you and your family.
Application for Withholding of Removal and Convention Against Torture 66.00 лв
Defense of Asylum Application occurs when a request for Asylum as a defense against removal from the U.S. for the Asylum processing to be defensive, the foreign national must be in removal proceedings in immigration court with the Executive Office for Immigration Review ( EOIR). First, the Foreign National must establish that they fear persecution in their home country. Secondly, they would be persecuted on account of at least one of five protected grounds: race, religion, nationality, political opinion, or particular social group. If you are afraid of being tortured or persecuted in your home country, you may be eligible for protection under the Convention Against Torture (CAT). This is an international treaty that prohibits countries from sending people back to places where they would face torture. To apply for CAT protection, you need to fill out Form I-589, Application for Asylum and for Withholding of Removal, and provide evidence that it is more likely than not that you would be tortured if you return to your country. You also need to show that the torture would be inflicted by or with the consent of a public official or someone acting in an official capacity. CAT protection is different from asylum and withholding of removal because it does not require you to prove that you have a well-founded fear of persecution based on your race, religion, nationality, political opinion, or membership in a particular social group. However, CAT protection is also more limited because it only prevents your removal to the country where you would face torture, and it does not grant you any immigration status or benefits in the United States. A CATS application is a document that summarizes your academic achievements and research interests for admission to a graduate program. To prepare a CATS application, you need to follow these steps: - Choose a program and a supervisor that match your goals and background. - Write a statement of purpose that explains why you want to pursue this program and how it relates to your previous studies and future plans. - Prepare your transcripts, test scores, letters of recommendation, and other supporting documents. As an Immigration Lawyer, we are very aware of the red tape and the multiple items that could go wrong with any particular petition and/or application.      Thus, this example should provide you a very clear path with which you can use to prepare your own Sibling Petition in order to proceed forward. The sample Sibling Petition petition will give lots of great information and a significant amount of information and data that will comply with the requirements. Note that it is not an automatic grant and it is not just filling out some forms. This is your burden to prove to the immigration officer and to convince that officer you should be reinstated even after falling out of status. Thus, if you cannot hire an immigration lawyer to prepare the necessary Sibling Petition, then this is the next best thing. Follow it carefully and closely and you will have a real chance of realizing your dream to stay inside the United States and continue your education. Note that the adjudicating officer at USCIS is not your friend or the Consulate Officer at the U.S. Consulate deciding whether you should get this particular visa or status. Thus, you need to completely and properly document and prepare your Sibling  Petition. You must properly either get legal representation via an attorney or represent yourself. Either way, if you qualify for this, you must make it as strong as possible. We certainly hope you find this petition useful and helpful and hope for the best immigration experience you can have. We do have petitions on every subject area of immigration, and you might look at those if needed as well. If you do need to actually have a consultation, you can call our U.S. Immigration Law office at 562-495-0554 for an initial free consultation to determine what must be done to help you and your family.
3-Year Naturalization by Marriage to a U.S. Citizen 81.00 лв
The Spouse of a United States citizen who resides in the United States may be eligible for naturalization on the basis of his or her marriage. The spouse must have continuously resided in the United States after becoming a Lawful Permanent Resident for at least 3 years. The spouse must have lived in marital union with his or her United States citizen spouse for at least 3 years. Naturalization is the process by which a non-citizen becomes a citizen of the United States. One way to obtain U.S. citizenship is through marriage to a U.S. citizen. However, this requires fulfilling several requirements and following certain procedures. Establishing Permanent Residency The first step to obtaining U.S. citizenship through marriage is to establish permanent residency in the United States. This means obtaining a Permanent Resident Card, also known as a Green Card, which provides proof that the person is a lawful permanent resident of the United States. To obtain a Green Card through marriage, the U.S. citizen spouse must file Form I-130, Petition for Alien Relative, and pay the filing fee to obtain the proper visa permission for the foreign spouse to immigrate to the U.S.1. After the arrival of the foreign spouse, he or she must file Form I-485, Application to Register Permanent Residence or Adjust Status, and pay the filing fee to adjust his or her status to that of a permanent resident. If the foreign spouse is already in the U.S. legally, both forms can be filed at the same time. The USCIS will then schedule an interview with both spouses to verify the validity of their marriage and other eligibility criteria2. If the marriage is less than two years old at the time of granting permanent resident status, the foreign spouse will receive a conditional Green Card, which can be removed by filing Form I-751, Petition to Remove Conditions on Residence, within the 90-day period before its expiration. Applying for Citizenship The second step to obtaining U.S. citizenship through marriage is to apply for naturalization. The foreign spouse must be a permanent resident (Green Card holder) for at least three years and have been living in marital union with the U.S. citizen spouse during that time. The foreign spouse must also meet other general eligibility requirements for naturalization, such as being at least 18 years old, having continuous residence and physical presence in the U.S., being able to read, write and speak English, having knowledge of U.S. history and government, and being a person of good moral character. To apply for naturalization, the foreign spouse must file Form N-400, Application for Naturalization, along with requested documentation and appropriate fee2. The foreign spouse may file this application up to 90 days before meeting the required three-year period of continuous residence. If approved, the foreign spouse will take the Oath of Allegiance and become a U.S. citizen. Final Considerations Obtaining U.S. citizenship through marriage is not a fast or easy process. It requires patience, attention to detail, and compliance with various rules and regulations. It also requires that the marriage be bona fide and not entered into for immigration purposes only 1. The USCIS may investigate any evidence of fraud or misrepresentation in the marriage or the application process1. If found guilty of such conduct, the foreign spouse may face deportation or criminal charges. Therefore, it is advisable to consult with an immigration attorney before starting this process. We certainly hope you find this petition useful and helpful and hope for the best immigration experience you can have. We do have petitions on every subject area of immigration, and you might look at those if needed as well. If you do need to actually have a consultation, you can call our U.S. Immigration Law office at 562-495-0554 for an initial free consultation to determine what must be done to help you and your family.
Naturalization Application for 5-Year Permanent Residents 116.00 лв
Naturalization is the legal process through which a foreign citizen or national can become a United States Citizen. In order to be naturalized, an applicant must first meet certain criteria to apply for citizenship. Then, the applicant must complete an application, attend an interview and pass an English and Civics test.  If you are a foreign citizen or national who wants to become a United States Citizen, you need to go through a legal process called naturalization. This process has several requirements and steps that you must follow carefully. As an Immigration Lawyer, I can help you navigate the complex and often confusing immigration system and avoid any mistakes or delays that could jeopardize your chances of becoming a citizen.Some of the requirements for naturalization are:  You must be at least 18 years old at the time of filing the application.  You must have been a permanent resident (green card holder) for at least five years, or three years if you are married to a U.S. citizen.  You must have lived in the state or district where you are applying for at least three months.  You must have been physically present in the U.S. for at least half of the required residency period.  You must demonstrate good moral character, respect for the U.S. Constitution and loyalty to the U.S.  You must be able to read, write and speak basic English, unless you qualify for an exemption based on age, disability or length of residency.  You must pass a test on U.S. history and government, unless you qualify for an exemption based on age, disability or length of residency.The steps for naturalization are:- Complete and submit Form N-400, Application for Naturalization, along with the required documents and fees.  Attend a biometrics appointment to provide your fingerprints, photograph and signature.  Receive a notice for your interview and test date.  Attend the interview and test at a local USCIS office and answer questions about your application and background.  Receive a notice of decision, which could be granted, continued or denied.  If granted, receive a notice to take the Oath of Allegiance at a naturalization ceremony.  Attend the ceremony and take the Oath of Allegiance to become a U.S. citizen.  As you can see, naturalization is not a simple or easy process. It requires careful preparation, documentation and follow-up. That's why it is advisable to hire an experienced Immigration Lawyer who can guide you through every step and ensure that your application is complete, accurate and timely. An Immigration Lawyer can also help you prepare for the interview and test, represent you in case of any issues or complications, and celebrate with you when you achieve your dream of becoming a U.S. citizen.    As an Immigration Lawyer, we are very aware of the red tape and the multiple items that could go wrong with any particular petition and/or application. Thus, this example should provide you a very clear path with which you can use to prepare your own Sibling Petition in order to proceed forward. The sample Sibling Petition petition will give lots of great information and a significant amount of information and data that will comply with the requirements. Note that it is not an automatic grant and it is not just filling out some forms. This is your burden to prove to the immigration officer and to convince that officer you should be reinstated even after falling out of status. Thus, if you cannot hire an immigration lawyer to prepare the necessary Sibling Petition, then this is the next best thing. We certainly hope you find this petition useful and helpful and hope for the best immigration experience you can have. We do have petitions on every subject area of immigration, and you might look at those if needed as well. If you do need to actually have a consultation, you can call our U.S. Immigration Law office at 562-495-0554 for an initial free consultation to determine what must be done to help you and your family.
Becoming a U.S. Citizen through Derivative Citizenship 81.00 лв
Derivative citizenship is citizenship given to children through the naturalization of parents or, sometimes, foreign-born children adopted by United States citizen parents, if certain conditions are met.
Naturalizing with a Crime 81.00 лв
Criminal Naturalization is a Foreign National applying for United States Citizenship based on the fact that he/she has been a Lawful Permanent Resident for 5 years and was not born in the United States. One important question will be whether he/she has ever been arrested for, charged with, or convicted of a crime or other unlawful act. Although not every crime or civil violation creates an outright bar to receiving United States Citizenship, many do, while others will raise serious questions about whether he/she has the necessary good moral character to become a United States Citizen through naturalization.
Cancellation of Removal for Non Permanent Residents 82.00 лв
Do you already have your Green Card? Unfortunately, if you have committed many types of crimes, you can be put into Removal Proceedings and deported. having the Green Card does not mean that you can stay here permanently and that you are safe from never being deported. Once you commit a crime of many different kinds, you could easily find yourself being transferred to immigration detention after you serve your criminal sentence. In that case, you would have to fight your case to stay in the U.S. Application for Cancellation of Removal and Adjustment of Status for Certain Non-Permanent Residents 42(B). A Legal Permanent Resident can apply for cancellation of removal if they have maintained a continuous physical presence in the U.S. for 10 years, maintained a good moral character, and have not been convicted of an offense. The removal would result in exceptional and extremely unusual hardship to your U.S. or Legal Permanent Resident spouse, parent or child. If that is the case, you could apply in many times for Cancellation of Removal. This is like a ‘get out of jail’ free card. It can happen once and if you win, you will get to keep your Green Card and stay in the U.S. even though you have committed a crime making you deportable. Many times people who are not in Removal Proceedings or Deportation Proceedings believe that they can do cancellation of removal applications. In fact, many foreign nationals not in immigration court think that all they have to do is remain in the U.S. for 10 years and voila that they qualify. Unfortunately, it is not that easy, nor is it correct. The ONLY way you can apply for Cancellation of Removal for Non-Permanent Residents is to be in deportation proceedings and fighting your case in front of an immigration judge. Additionally, it involves much more than simply being here for 10 years. You must also show that you have good moral character. This essentially means you do not have a criminal history and have not committed fraud on U.S. Immigration. Finally, and many times, the most difficult part of this, would be showing severe hardship to either a child, spouse or parent who is a lawful permanent resident or U.S. Citizen if you are deported. This does not mean merely the normal hardships associated with a deportation, but much more. Many times, we can show medical reasons. However, there are quite a few factors added together to increase the hardship of a deportation such as medical, economic, social, cultural and psychological. A psychologist is used many times to aid in showing the psychological hardship. There are different kinds of cancellation of removal packets, but if you have no legal status or are not a lawful permanent resident, then this is the way you would apply. The sample Cancellation of Removal packet for Non-permanent Residents you see will give lots of great information and a significant amount of information and data that will comply with the requirements. Thus, if you cannot hire an immigration lawyer to prepare the necessary Cancellation of Removal Packet, this is the next best thing. Follow it carefully and closely and you will have a real chance of realizing your dream to stay inside the United States. Note that the Immigration judge nor the trial attorney from the department of homeland security are your friend, and you must properly either get legal representation via an attorney or represent yourself. Either way, if you qualify for this, you must make it as strong as possible. We certainly hope you find this petition useful and helpful and hope for the best immigration experience you can have. We do have petitions on every subject area of immigration and you might look at those if needed as well. If you do need to actually have a consultation, you can call our U.S. Immigration Law office at 562-495-0554 for an initial free consultation to determine what must be done to help you and your family.
Marriage Petition to U.S. Citizen 98.00 лв
Getting married to a US Citizen or Lawful Permanent Resident? It is not as easy as just showing your marriage certificate. Immigration basically thinks you are lying about the validity of the marriage and are only doing it to get the Green Card. You must show the bona-fides of the marriage and submit sufficient evidence to show why it is a real marriage for love. This sample Marriage Petition is for you. It has everything necessary to give you the best chance possible to get an approval. Just input your own information and use the application as a guide. It has been prepared by an expert Immigration Attorney. Thus, this book will allow you to see a guide of how it is done, prepared and submitted. Immigration petitions are difficult to get right and to know what to put into each petition. Your thinking of getting this book because you do not have sufficient money to pay an Immigration Law Firm to do it for you. However, this is the next best alternative. As you will note, this Petition is put together by a National Immigration Law Firm that has been in business for nearly three decades. We practice only immigration law and Brian D. Lerner is a Certified Specialist as certified by the State Bar of California. While the actual petition you put together will have different data, at least here you can see what the attorney cover letter looks like and what should be in the petition. You will see the forms necessary to put the petition together and then you will see the various forms of evidence you need in order to support the petition itself. If in the end, you still need help, you can call our office for a consultation. Many people think that marriage petitions are easy and all they have to do is marry a U.S. Citizen or a Lawful Permanent Resident and they will easily be able to get the Green Card. They do not see the multiple issues which are present and which the immigration officer is looking for when looking at the marriage petition and conducting the immigration interview. First, the immigration officer believes every marriage is fake and that the beneficiary is trying to get married for the sole purpose to get the Green Card. Of course this is illegal and if the officer determines there is marriage fraud, then the beneficiary will not be able to get immigration benefits for life and will likely be placed into deportation proceedings. Even if there is a divorce and later a marriage occurs where there is multiple children, it will not erase the fact that the officer or immigration judge ruled that there was marriage fraud. Clearly, one of the most important factors in submitting the marriage petition is to show that there is a 'bona-fide' marriage. This is much more than simply showing some pictures. Anybody can do that to try to prove the marriage is real. This petition has a typical cover letter to address the issue of the bona-fides of the marriage. The next big issue which many people fall into is coming here to the United States on a B2 Visitor Visa and then immediately getting married to a U.S. Citizen. If this occurs within the first 90 days of entry, then it is presumed that they committed fraud and did not intend to actually come and visit the U.S. Even if they do this after 90 days, the issue does not just disappear, although it becomes much easier to get over the presumption of fraud. The cover letter here was prepared by a qualified and expert immigration attorney in the U.S. who has been practicing immigration law for nearly 30 years. It is the next best thing to having an attorney do the marriage petition without having to pay an attorney. Take advantage of this petition and show everything you can to try to get approved. Do not get lulled into the false belief that marriage petitions are easy and pose no problems.
The F-1 Reinstatement Petition 116.00 лв
Did you have a student visa, but went out of status? Did you work without authorization? Did you drop below full-time? Did you not pay your fees? Did you drop below a C average? Did you improperly transfer? Bogged down by the regulations and requirements?  You lost your status and now wondering what to do? Already been denied? The F-1 Student Reinstatement petition is just what you need. If approved, then you could be placed back into legal status, goto school, get a newly issues I-20 and it would be as though you were never out of status. You need to apply for this as the only realistic way of getting back into legal status. You cannot leave the U.S. and then try to get reinstated as by that time, you have no status. It will be rejected if not done properly because the officer either does not believe you merit a positive reinstatement grant, or that you did not provide a persuasive enough argument or you simply did not do it properly. If not done properly, you will not be able to continue with your education, will remain out of status and could get deported. This sample F-1 Student Reinstatement Petition is for you. It has everything necessary to give you the best chance possible to get an approval. Just input your own information and use the application as a guide. It has been prepared by an expert immigration attorney. Thus, this book will allow you to see a guide of how it is done, prepared and submitted. The following are ways a student might violate their F-1 status: 1. Failing to enroll full time during a fall or spring semester (or summer if first semester) without receiving approval for a reduced course load from the International Students and Scholars Office (ISSO) 2. Failing to check in with ISSO at the beginning of academic program 3. Failing to complete change of educational levels within 60 days of completing previous degree program 4. Working more than 20 hours on campus during the fall or spring semester Exception: students may work full time during official school breaks: Thanksgiving and Spring Break 5. Working off campus without obtaining approval from the ISSO or USCIS As an Immigration Lawyer, we are very aware of the red tape and the multiple items that could go wrong with any particular petition and/or application. Thus, this example should provide you a very clear path with which you can use to prepare your own F-1 Reinstatement Petition in order to proceed forward. The sample F-1 Reinstatement Petition petition will give lots of great information and a significant amount of information and data that will comply with the requirements. Note that it is not an automatic grant and it is not just filling out some forms. This is your burden to prove to the immigration officer and to convince that officer you should be reinstated even after falling out of status. Thus, if you cannot hire an immigration lawyer to prepare the necessary F-1 Reinstatement Petition, then this is the next best thing. Follow it carefully and closely and you will have a real chance of realizing your dream to stay inside the United States and continue your education. Note that the adjudicating officer at USCIS is not your friend or the Consulate Officer at the U.S. Consulate deciding whether you should get this particular visa or status. Thus, you need to completely and properly document and prepare your F-1 Reinstatement Petition. You must properly either get legal representation via an attorney or represent yourself. Either way, if you qualify for this, you must make it as strong as possible. We certainly hope you find this petition useful and helpful and hope for the best immigration experience you can have. We do have petitions on every subject area of immigration, and you might look at those if needed as well. If you do need to actually have a consultation, you can call our U.S. Immigration Law office at 562-495-0554 for an initial free consultation to determine what must be done to help you and your family.